Movie Clips

Last Updated: 07/22/03

South America
Movie Clips
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Below is an amalgamation of video clips during our trip.  We were not able to publish these "on the road" since they were too large (file size) and we were usually publishing through poor phone lines that could cost as much as $20/hr.   Now that we are back home and have a high speed connection we have organized and published a few of our favorites.

WARNING:   The below movie clips are very large files and will take a long time to download!!!  If you do not have a high-speed connection (i.e. cable or DSL), we do not recommend trying to download or view them.


You can stop/pause the movie clip by clicking on the movie when it starts.  If you do this, you can let the download get ahead - and the movie clip will play smoothly.  You can determine the download speed/progress via the movie progress bar turning from grey to white at the bottom of the movie screen.

Once a movie is downloaded, it will stay on your PC until you clear it off.  This allows you to play the movie again without having to download it.  To clear these files off your PC - use the tool built in to your browser to delete temporary internet files.  For IE this is under the Tools-Internet Options file menu and on the General tab)

If you would like to watch the movie clips "full screen", you can right click on the movie when it starts and choose the Full Screen option

The below information about the movie clips reference file size and play time.  (NOT download time)


Merge (150 meg / 7 min 42 sec)


Antarctica-A Cold Swim (12.3 meg / 46 sec)

Antarctica-Penguin #1 (9 meg /  33 sec)

Antarctica-Penguin #2 (8.7 meg /  32 sec)

Penguins Plus (12.3 meg / 46 sec)

Trekking on Moreno Glacier (5 meg / 14 sec)

End of the Inca Trail (5 meg / 14 sec)

Woolly Monkey in the Jungle (3.3 meg / 9 sec)

Blue Footed Boobie Mating Ritual (2.5 meg / 6 sec)

Galapagos Albatross Mating Ritual (2.3 meg / 8 sec)

Marine Iguana Feeding/Swimming (5.3 meg / 15 sec)

Karen playing with a Sea Lion (5.3 meg / 15 sec)

Galapagos #1 (19.1 meg / 71 sec)

Riding on top of a Box Car (5.3 meg / 15 sec)

Cable River-Crossing (5.3 meg / 15 sec)

Blue Cotinga in Panama (1.4 meg / 5 sec)

Amazon Parrots in Costa Rica (2 meg / 7 sec)

Clown Fish at the Great Barrier Reef (5.3 meg / 15 sec)

Kangaroo in Australia (5.3 meg / 15 sec)

Karen on the Great Wall (4 meg / 15 sec)

Dolphins in Mexico (3.4 meg / 9 sec)

Whale Swimming under boat (5 meg / 14 sec)

Baby Whale Breaching (.9 meg / 3 sec)

Dirt road in Mexico (9.1 meg / 3 sec)

La Bufa Blow-Hole (3 meg / 8 sec)

Carnival in Ensenada (5.3 meg / 15 sec)

Grand Canyon Trail (5.3 meg / 15 sec)