Feb 03 - Feb 13
2002 Peru

Last Updated: 07/22/03

South America
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Floating Islands:  We visited the famous floating islands of Uros on Lake Titicaca.  The islands are made with reeds - just like their boats.


Arequipa:  We wish we had more time to spend in Arequipa because we really enjoyed this city a lot.  Below are some pictures of the reconstruction and restoration that is happening around the plaza to rebuild the cathedral hit hardest by the earthquake a few years ago.


Monasterio de Santa Catalina:  Although the name suggests a monastery, it's really a convent... but more like a small picturesque village protected from the outside world.  This is a must see for anyone visiting Arequipa. 

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Peru Journal

Arequipa Earthquake

Monasterio de Santa Catalina