Feb 03 - Feb 13
2002 Peru

Last Updated: 07/22/03

South America
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Manu National Reserve:  We spent 7 days, 6 nights in the jungle.  More wildlife (including bugs) than you can imagine.  Manu is one of the most protected areas in the Amazon Basin.  It enjoys primary or first growth forests (never been hit by the logging industry) and the wildlife has not been overly hunted (some indigenous people do hunt for survival).   

NOTE:  Unfortunately we had some technical difficulties and lost a chip full of pictures including most of the larger animals we saw:  red howler monkeys, brown capuchin monkeys, capibara (big ugly rodent), peccary (sort of a wild pig), and the endangered giant otters.  Hopefully we have some of these on regular film.

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Peru Journal

Our Manu Tour

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